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tv   NBC11 News The Bay Area at 11  NBC  July 16, 2010 10:00pm-10:35pm PST

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long summer days, and not enough sleep. what i wouldn't do for a do-over. [ female announcer ] new neutrogena® clinical skincare. exclusive ion2 complex combined with activating cream helps restore collagen depleted skin. neutrogena clinical skincare is clinically tested to undo the look of a year's worth of skin aging in just 4 weeks. do-overs do exist. [ female announcer ] new clinical skincare. neutrogena. #1 dermatologist recommended brand. [ sizzling ] we'll have that. [ male announcer ] with applebee's new sizzling entrees fresh flavor never sounded so good. try the spicy asian shrimp, steak and cheese, or chicken with queso blanco starting at $8.99! only at applebee's. now open till midnight or later.
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aveeno hair in in real life. new aveeno nourish plus shine with active naturals wheat smooths damaged cuticles for 75% more shine in one use. real shine, for real life. yours. [ female announcer ] new aveeno nourish plus shine. on the inside. my inner-workings a work of art. a digestive tract that should be bronzed. and an immune system so stunning... my vet thinks i'm the eighth wonder of the world. [ female announcer ] iams with prebiotics. prebiotics work inside, clinically proven to promote strong defenses. healthy inside... healthy outside.
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[ dog ] oh, hi, girls. nice day, huh? [ dogs whine ] i am an iams dog. [ female announcer ] learn more about prebiotics at
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everyone have a pencil and a pen? >> we're back at the watering hole in new york city for another round of speed dating. this time instead of a man switching in the middle of a date, it will be a woman. >> how many of you guys have actually done speed dating before? raise your hands. >> nicole will start the date. and after a minute she'll excuse herself and amy will take her place. look at the women side by side. clearly they look more alike than the men we used in the previous demonstration. but notice they are different heights. they have different shaped faces. and their eyes are a different color. >> if you want to ask your dater about you, write the names down, take notes because you're going to be meeting everyone at superfast speeds. >> will any of these men notice they are speaking to two different women? >> we're about to start. >> nicole is about to begin her date. the other woman, amy, is right around the corner.
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>> what's going on? >> the date will last four minutes. >> you want a drink? >> after two minutes, nicole excuses herself. a minute later, here comes amy. will he notice he's now talking to a totally different woman? >> hi. >> you guys aren't the same people. >> this man noticed the switch and couldn't be convinced otherwise. >> that's funny, but no. >> so we try it again. nicole makes her move. >> will you excuse me for one second?
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>> he keeps right on talking, apparently not realizing he's with a different woman. >> the next man has taken with amy from the start. >> oh, thank you. thank you. >> will he notice that the awesome hazel eyes he's been looking at will soon be blue? >> you could do whatever you wanted. go for it. no problem. when they leave after the first minute. i don't even know how to judge. you're a gorgeous girl. >> he has no idea he's now speaking to a different woman
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with different color eyes. this time when we make the switch -- >> yeah, go right ahead. >> -- the other woman arrives wearing a jacket. >> i'm sorry. >> are you cold? >> yeah, i had to go get my jacket. i had a jacket in the coat room. >> he notices the new jacket. >> ever been married? >> no. never married. >> but apparently not the woman. next, when they trade places, the new woman shows up wearing the jacket and a hat. >> so what are you looking for in a woman? >> happy, healthy, somebody who looks pretty. >> no reaction.
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to the new woman or the new accessory. date after date and switch after switch -- >> i'm sorry. >> no worries. >> no reaction. eight out of nine men went on with the date. why are so many fooled? it's another example of change blindness. >> our brains are not trained to notice everything because if you noticed every change in the environment you'd never get out of environment. you would be there the rest of the night. >> did any of you guys notice something odd about this table over here? tell me about it. >> two different girls. >> how did you know that? >> because i knew it was two different girls. >> but most of the men admit they had no idea. >> now, ray, it looked like you didn't -- you didn't pick it up, did you? >> not at all. not at all. i noticed when she went to the balth bathroom. i'm like, wow, i totally failed
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on this date right here. >> did you pick this up? >> not at all. >> the men seemed amazed that they missed what should have been obvious. >> you knew you had only four minutes? >> yeah. >> so you kind of lost sight of the fact that it was a different woman? >> yeah. >> i shouldn't have looked at her chest and maybe more at her eyes. you got me. >> what's the take-away here? >> the take-on message from this kind of research is that we really need to be pretty skeptical and cautious about what we think is true because often we are deceived and even self-deceived by the way our belief systems work. >> looking for union square. >> so as we make our way through the world observing what's around us -- >> i'm sorry. should i walk or take a cab? >> remember, our brains can be sending us wrong information. >> it's the famous shoe ad. >> so the next time you're
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positive about what you think you saw, take a moment to reconsider. because as we've shown you, what you think you see is not always what you get. >> wow, all right. >> you'll find some more tricks of the eye on our website. just logon to that's all for this edition of "dateline friday." we'll see you again for "dateline sunday" at 7:00, 6:00 central. i'm chris hansen. captions paid for by nbc-universal television we're live with breaking news tonight in the east bay. just blocks away from his home, a man found shot and killed in his sports car. we're live with investigan
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breaking news in berkeley. a man found shot to death in his sports car. i'm tom sinkovitz. we're on late because of the giants game tonight. berkeley police are investigating the vicious crime north of ashby avenue. the man was found slumped over steering wheel of his car. we're live in berkeley with the latest and what do police have to go on tonight, stacey? >> reporter: here's what we know. just around 5:00 this afternoon,
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he came into dispatch. once again malvea street. and just across from this tent city here. police say they found a man slumped over the steering wheel of a red mercedes sports car. police say this man was shot and killed a few blocks from his home. >> we don't believe that this shooting is random. most shootings are associated with some sort of dispute. it can be minor or, from our experience and other agency's experience, 80% have some drug related nexus. we don't know that for sure, but that tends to be the flavor of shootings like this. >> i heard gunfire from the front living room of this house. and i ran outside. and i didn't see anything going on. i looked over to the protest zone over there. and it didn't look like anybody was responding to gunfire. but i heard like seven shots,
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five or seven shots in quick succession at a very even rate. and i knew it wasn't firecrackers, but it looks like nothing was going on. so i went back inside. >> reporter: paramedics were able to revive him in his car. you can still see it parked over here. and that was for some 15 minutes before he died. we do have an i.d. on this man. the family we spoke to said he was marcus moseley, 29 years old. we're learning this is the third homicide in berkeley so far this year. no word on a suspect or suspects. police have told us they do not believe the shooting was random. live in berkeley, stacy ciauri. the friday getaway out in san jose slowed considerably by a car fire that set off flames on a hillside along highway 87 near kirchner road. the flames burning in the grass and the shrubs produced huge amounts of smoke which brought traffic to a crawl.
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because of the conditions along the highway, the chp closed down a lane of 87 until the fire was knocked down. the body of the fourth fisherman who drowned when a boat capsized off point reyes was recovered today. the man is believed to be 62-year-old jack taylor from river bank which is in the central valley. all four men died when their sport fishing boat was toppled by a wave on wednesday. they were not wearing life jackets. it is a tense time for engineers conducting pressure tests on that new cap over bp's broken well in the gulf of mexico. just the sight of it turned off has coastal residents worried the media will go away now when their problems are far from over. in mississippi today, compensation concerns brought the gulf fund administrator face-to-face with frustrated businesspeople who have bills to pay. in washington, the president cautioned that capping the well does not solve all of the problems. in san francisco, target is
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welcome so long as the retail giant is sponsoring free admission in a place like the museum. but when it comes to the store setting up shop in the city, that's a different issue. gene elliott live in san francisco where target's timing just might be right this time around. >> reporter: san francisco does not make it easy for big box retailers to move in. but they have their eye on this building and parking lot. the city just may be ready to make a deal. crowds pour into the diehl museum for the kickoff event of target arts and wonder program. admission is free, courtesy target. he says target hits the bull's-eye with this community event. >> i thought this was a great opportunity to come check things out. >> reporter: but san francisco city leaders aren't so sure target makes the mark when it comes to opening a store in the city. >> i'm not a big fan of these kinds of stores on the inner city side. >> reporter: target is eyeing
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vacant space at the city center at gary and masonic. while there's a rule against big box stores in san francisco, it just might work. >> a space that size that exists, it's doubtful that anything else could replace it except another big box store like target. >> reporter: supervisor marini says it will require a multiple use permit. they'll have to agree to hire locally and work with the city on issues. >> you've got to watch. a lot of traffic particularly coming out of the trader joe's. >> reporter: he says he'd rather support mom and pop shops but agrees this empty storefront needs to be filled. and if they are required to hire locally -- >> if they're hiring, i've got my resume, if they want it. >> reporter: it may turn out to be as popular as a free night at the museum. the supervisor is hosting a community meeting about the idea next week. it is expected to be well
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attended by people on both sides of the big box debate. reporting live in san francisco, jean elle. there's more free stuff over the weekend. tomorrow you will have to pay to get into the deyoung again, the asian art museum is free from 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. they're all free from 11:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon. it was a defiant steve jobs who defended apple's new iphone today saying the problems with the 4-g are exaggerated and not much different than issues with other smart phones. there will be no recall of the iphone 4 steve jobs had clearly had it with all the bad publicity about the iphone 4. >> this is blown out of proportion. >> reporter: the problem steel bands on the outside of the phone which act as the antenna. when it is gripped a certain way the signal fades.
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because of that problem, consumer reports said it could not recommend the iphone 4. steve jobs said other smart phones have the same issue. >> this is life in the smart phone world. phones aren't perfect. >> reporter: jobs says the fix is to use rubber bumpers that fit on the outside of the phones preventing users from touching those antenna strip. users who are still dissatisfied with their phones can return them for full refunds. jobs was most irritated, it seemed by a bloomberg news report that he ignored warnings from apple's engineers about the potential problems before the iphone 4 was released. >> that's a total crock. we've challenged them to produce anything beyond rumor to substantiate that. >> reporter: bloomberg defended its story. despite the publicity, the phone has been a huge hit. more than 3 million sold since
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its introduction three weeks ago. >> i think they're a great phone. >> i don't think it's worth the buy right now. >> reporter: apple will offer the rubber case free to all customers who bought or who buy the iphone 4 through september 30th. when we come back tonight, barry zito back on top. laura behnke has highlights in sports. ♪ and back in the bay area after making it big. meet the local boy band on tour with justin bieber. and good evening. i'm chief meteorologist, temperatures from 60 to 90. and biges coolingulor fy al j ahead.
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that's tween heartthrob justin bieber. he's a youtube sensation again tonight. the 16-year-old's music video for "baby" became the most watched video today. he got his start by posting home made videos on youtube.
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he passed lady gaga's "bad romance." no telling how many of those hits are the same tween girls watching the video over and over again. on tour with him is bay area group legacy. the four filipino american singers are in town tonight for bieber's show in oakland tomorrow. bay area's george kiriyama caught up with them tonight. >> reporter: this is legacy. ♪ a filipino american r&b band. from the bay area. ♪ snets this may be the first time you're hearing them sing. ♪ hey, soul sister >> reporter: but they're backup singers to one of the hottest artists on the charts. you've probably heard of him. his name is justin bieber. >> just seeing him excited, seeing him hyped up and singing, it hiypes us up.
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we're bouncing back and forth throughout the entire concert ♪ we'll never, ever, ever be apart ♪ >> reporter: a dream that started just a few months ago for these boys from the bay. you can credit youtube and a stationary camera in a living room. >> when we were in the living room, it was just all about the music. >> we lived in a place that was comfortable for us. something we were used to. and we were doing what we love. >> reporter: it was their cover of bieber's song "baby" that caught the attention of bieber's manager. he sent them an e-mail and called them saying -- >> we want to take you on tour for us and sing backup for justin. >> could this really be happening to us? four asian guys being picked up by a national phenom like justin bieber? >> reporter: it was happening and fast.
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legacy soon found itself in new york and meeting justin bieber for the first time. >> i know you've been busy. >> i was really speechless. i was just like -- >> we finished our first big show. we're on "the view". >> reporter: soon the band found itself hitting the talk show circuit including making an appearance on the ellen degeneres show. then they went on tour backing up bieber and performing in front of thousands of screaming fans. >> you can just hear the girls. like 20,000 girls. you can't even re-create that. it's such a crazy feeling to hear them all waiting to see you guys come out and perform. ♪ >> reporter: despite all this attention, legacy says it will always remember its asian american roots and not let all the glitz and glamour get into their heads. >> we have to remember, you know, this is what we came from.
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we've got to remain humble. >> reporter: and remember where they started. in the living room when they just had each other and their music. george kiriyama. >> we knew them when. we're f nd warm-up. jeff ran eerie up next.
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wasn't so long ago we were complaining about all the rain. but there were some benefits. >> we've got the final numbers
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in for the water here. and this is excellent news. we haven't seen anything like this in several years. the entire bay area at least 96% of normal. one of the areas that was top on the list was gilroy with rainfall totals that were about 124% of normal. so all in all, these numbers helping to shrink the drought across california. all right. current temperatures, they are down for the past couple of nights. it has been really mild out there from the hot air inland. but the fog on the coastline dropped most temperatures. 55 in san francisco. then upper 50s, low 60s down near sunnyvale. the fog will stay in place tomorrow to the coastline. that will help to spread out the wide array of temperatures as we head into our saturday. for those of you inland, we're looking at plenty of 80s. that will be the hot spot. for sunday, cools means for everything. it will mean cool july days.
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now, the visible satellite loop, it shows the fog here that we dealt with today. and that's going to be back as we head to route tomorrow's forecasts. the warmest spots will be for the interior sections, the east bay to the south bay. and for sunday, cooling winds for everyone as those temperatures will be coming on down. now, speaking of temperatures going down, we'll start off tomorrow morning on saturday. we usher in the weekend with low to mid-50s in the north bay and upper 50s for the east bay. some of the hottest temperatures right here in the south bay. temperatures in the mid-90s from morgan hill to gilroy. 93 for livermore. 72 in richmond. and oakland still expecting those conditions in the low 70s. then you head through the caldecott tunnel. and then we're looking at 60 in bo deeg ga bay, to 40 in san
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raphael. more any time on the weather channel on cable. and here are the cool june days coming for us. upper 70s and low 80s next week. by no means cold but 10 degrees below average for this time of year. >> all right, you can have what you want. >> exactly. thank you. .> coming up,zito. t.n, did he sparkle tonigh t.
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2 coffees for my brother and me please. thanks. got it. ["dueling banjos" up and under] hold this. getting cash back on your debit card changes everything. got it. introducing the chase realcash debit card. got it. up to 3% cash back on things you buy every day, automatically. got it! [cell phone rings] excuse me. got it. the new chase realcash debit card. this isn't over. chase what matters.
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it would appear the all-star break was exactly what the giants needed.
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tim lincecum off to an impressive start with his first complete game of the season, a shutout against the mets. today was barry zito's turn. tonight's game all about john miller, the hall of fame bound broadcaster honored before the game. then he tossed out the first pitch. not too bad. runs a little hard to come by. bottom four, pat buehrle. he beats it out because the ball rolls out of the glove. 1-0 giants. that's all they'd need because it was all zito. he got a season high with ten strikeouts. allowed just two hits in eight solid innings. brian wilson worked the night for the save. and tonight the a's getting back to work after the break. gonzalez taking the mound to open the weekend series in kansas city. top three, a's up 2-1. kevin kouzmanoff wanting a little more. 4-1 a's.
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a lot like the giants' situation, it was more than enough for gonzalez. jason kendall going down swinging. the a's get the win 5-1. we know by now that the weather conditions at the british open are rarely ideal. but today at st. andrews rarery ideal was taken to a whole new level. check out the wild winds at st. andrews for round two. it eventually led to an hour and six-minute delay. players just laying out on the course, waiting for it to all pass. looks pretty comfortable, doesn't it? luis westhizen, he went out with the win. he's 12 under overall. he's got a shot lead. play, though, called. it will resume right about now, actually. jamarcus russell may have found a new team. get this. the former number one overall draft pick is currently listed on the roster for the ufl's
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newest team the omaha nighthawks. boy, we're going to miss those outfits. the team has not confirmed that he is indeed a member, but that's probably the only job offer he has received though maybe a fur company would -- >> there you go. >> that's very true. he's a good model. >> there you go. >> thanks for being with us tonight. have a great weekend, everybody. talk show host c


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